Open Enrollment

The Cloquet School District is pleased that you are considering applying for admission under the provisions of our state’s enrollment options program which allows students to apply for enrollment to schools which are not in their resident district.  The timeline for this “open enrollment” process for our school district is as follows:

  • January 15:  This is the first deadline for parents to apply for open enrollment in our school district. If you miss this deadline, we encourage you to apply as other enrollment options may still be available.

  • February 15:  This is the date by which the District will make written notification to families as to whether their open enrollment application(s) are approved.

  • March 1:  Parents/guardians who have had their open enrollment applications approved must notify the Cloquet School District of their intent to enroll in the Cloquet School District by this date.  Failure to do so may jeopardize their application(s)

(Please note: Enrollment applications that are not signed will not be processed.)

Parents/guardians wishing to open enroll after the deadline may do so if open enrollment slots are available.  If open enrollment slots are not available, students will be placed on a waiting list in the order of which their applications were received after the January 15th deadline.  Applications received before the deadline will be processed before applications received after the deadline. You will be notified by mail if your application was approved. 

Open Enrollment Contact Information

Mary Marciniak at 218-879-6721, ext. 6204 or email:  Email Mary Marciniak
Thank you for your interest in the Cloquet School District!